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films (selection) |
CHEMNITZ (Research) 2022
Everyone has been talking about Chemnitz for a while now, and by this time, most people in the country should know where Chemnitz is located. The tension in which the city finds itself lies between the marches by right-wingers after the 2018 city festival, during which a man was stabbed on the fringes of the festival, and the city's nomination as European Capital of Culture 2025.
Chemnitz is located deep in the East; after reunification, the city lost almost all of its industry. Its inhabitants have had to completely reinvent themselves over the last 30 years.
The film dives into this atmosphere: We get to know many different people, their wishes, their hopes, what they do, how they live.
documentary * 90min. * HD * production Henjon-Produktion
The project is funded by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen and the Sächsische Landesmedienanstalt für privaten Rundfunk und neue Medien. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament.
Bundestag 2020
The documentary „Bundestag“ shows today’s policy making in Germany at federal level with its complex procedures and formalities. The Bundestag is the centre of state power, the political centre of the German nation - a highly symbolic site, loaded with expectations. We closely accompany several members of the federal parliament eye to eye in their everyday life.
Crew United projectpage
documentary * 80min. * HD
cinematographer Sebastian Fremder, Moritz Friese * editor Zubin Sethna * director Hendrik Reichel
production Nicole Schink * producer Gunter Hanfgarn
Hanfgarn & Ufer Filmproduktion with dffb and rbb
Rescue the Fire (Rettet das Feuer) 2019
Berlin, 1993. Photographer and artist Jürgen Baldiga battles HIV. In the 1990s, the AIDS epidemic
reached its climax, to which no one was prepared. Infected bodies and their stories diminish,
erasing their existence. Through the death of his friends and subsequently his own, Baldiga
becomes the chronicler of his time: "I am taking a picture. I photograph the world. I exist."
and history disappear without the persistence of memory. Until the final days of his life, Jürgen
documents the exodus that seizes him. "Rescue the Fire" directs the gaze to a
piece of West Berlin history and the voices of the collective memory.
documentary * 82min. * HD
cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * editor Reinaldo P. Almeida * director Jasco Viefhues
producer dffb
DREHMOMENT - kinetic public art sculpture, Futurium Berlin 2018
The sculpture facing the Spreebogen (the arc of the River Spree) on the southern forecourt of the Futurium is reminiscent of a circus act whose dimensions have been dramatically enlarged. The rotating “plate” balancing on a rod only by means of the dynamism and virtuosity of its turning motion produces a simple image that viewers understand intuitively at first glance, no matter their descent and age.
Drehmoment on Vimeo
documentary * 4min. * HD
director, editor, producer Hendrik Reichel
Flussbad Berlin 2nd Flussbad Cup 2016
The Flussbad Cup is a 1,000-metres swimming competition held in the Spree Canal directly against the panoramic backdrop of Berlin's historic Museum Island. The event is organised by the Flussbad Berlin Association. In addition to the actual swimming competition, the event is designed to show what it could be like to have a clean Spree at the centre of the city.
2nd Flussbad Cup Berlin 2016
documentary * 4min. * HD
interviews Lisa Bierwirth * cinematographer Beate Kunath, Sebastian Fremder, Hendrik Reichel
director, editor, producer Hendrik Reichel
Regina Schmeken: Among Players - The National Team 2014
documentary * 6min. * HD
director, cinematographer, editor, producer Hendrik Reichel
Regina Schmeken: Among Players- The National Team at the Villa Stuck Munich
Carsten Nicolai: a (alpha) pulse 2014
Carsten Nicolai presented his new work α (alpha) pulse during Art Basel Hong Kong 2014.
α (alpha) pulse's generated light patterns pulsated in a synchronized frequency across the entire façade of Hong Kong's iconic 490 meter high International Commerce Centre on the Kowloon harbor front. Like a lighthouse, the tower was sending its pulses into the city, reaching out to Hong Kong residents and visitors.
Carsten Nicolai: a (alpha) pulse
documentary * 3min. * HD
cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Carsten Gebhardt
Gunzenhauser 2013
Two tourists went to Chemnitz to have a look at the museum Gunzenhauser. The way from train station to the museum is exhausting though. It's snowing and the city won't welcome them with open arms.
Produced for the exhibition "Culture:City" at the Academy of Arts Berlin, exhibition opening on march 14th 2013.
Academy of Arts_Culture:City
short fiction * 5min. * HD * producer dffb
cast Kathleen Morgeneyer, Elias Arens * cinematographer Markus Koob * director, script Hendrik Reichel
excerpts |
Jan's body 2013
Thomas comes to Berlin to pick up the ashes of his dead son Jan. He clears out Jan´s apartment - the place of a man whom he had not known for a long time. During their lifetime they never had a close relationship and therefore in the beginning everything appears strange and unknown to Thomas. He starts to follow Jan´s traces and starts to take on his identity, meeting Jan´s acquaintances and begins to understand him while simultaneously discovering something new about himself...
short fiction * 24min. * HD * producer Partizip Zwo, dffb
cast Errol Trotman-Harewood, Michael Kind * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director Jasco Viefhues
AG Geige - Amateur film 2012
documentary * 80min. * HD * producer comma e.V.
script, director Carsten Gebhardt * cinematographer Thomas Beckmann, Ralf Glaser, Merle Jothe, Sirko Knüpfer, Beathe Kunath, Johannes Praus, Hendrik Reichel, Erik Wiesbaum, Lutz Zoglauer
And it's winter outside 2011
Wintertime. Hans und Undine meet in the public bath. If they are not a couple anymore, who are they?
short fiction * 5min. * S16mm/HD * producer ARTE dffb
cast Julian Trüstedt, Okka Hungerbühler * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Nadja Caroline Heidinger
Tango 2011
short fiction * 29min. * S16mm/HD * producer RBB dffb
cast Eva Kessler, Ludwig Blochberger * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Miriam Bliese
The letter 2011
One day Maja discovers she is pregnant. The film explores the situation from
her point of view, drawing us in as she tries to decipher what is happening. And
then Maja writes a mysterious letter...
short fiction * 30min. * S16mm/HD * producer dffb
cast Kathleen Morgeneyer, Christian Erdmann, Evelyne Cannard * cinematography Hendrik Reichel * director, script Doroteya Droumeva
festivals 64. festival de Cannes
First Prize Cinefondation *
Femina Festival Brazil *
Brazilian Student Film Festival *
Bulgarian National Film Festival *
45. Hof International Film Festival *
Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival *
24. Festival Premiers Plans – Angers
17 years later 2006-2011
“17 years later” is a movie in three parts. It tells the story of two young women who coincidentally meet. One is from the former GDR the other from the Western part of Germany. The story begins in the reunited Berlin.
A year later they meet again. Katja visits Mandy in her hometown Chemnitz. However, they
don't seem to get on as well as in Berlin. They start an argument which is strongly influenced by old prejudices regarding the East and the West. Only a coincidence can impede the sudden end of their friendship.
Another year has gone. Katja and Mandy stand by the river Rhine and overlook the city. Mandy talks about her plan to go to Laos and Katja introduces her to her boyfriend. The last night they are walking through the streets, finally standing by the Rhine again. Both not knowing which way to go to Katja's flat, they just start walking.
feature film * 90min. * S16mm/35mm * producer Henjon-Produktion
cast Kathleen Morgeneyer, Miriam Bliese * script Eva Lia Reinegger * cinematographer, director Hendrik Reichel
17 years later on imdb
17 years later on
Silent days 2011
A normal street somewhere in Berlin. It’s winter. The people who are doing their shopping or taking the bus here have to go to work or to school, they’re unemployed or retired. Once in a while a car goes by, apart from that it’s relatively quiet.
Then the first snow of the year starts falling and for a moment everything changes. The sounds fade out, the light gets brighter and the movements get more cautious. It seems as if the people themselves were changing.
A documentary about the first snow of the year in Berlin.
short documantary * 22min. * S16mm/35mm * producer dffb
cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director Miriam Bliese
festivals 12. goEast Film Festival
Kafarnaum 2009
Caro, 28 years, is taking care of her mother with cancer at home and works parttime
in a doctor's office nearby as a nurse. When coming home her work is starting all over again with nursing Helene bit by bit she is torn up between her life and a life
for her sick mother. Some days only her fantasy is a comfort, she dances through a
whole night but the next day reality is awakening her again. But Helenes health state is getting worse day by day.
short fiction * 23min. * S16mm/HD * producer dffb
cast Simone Geißler, Heidrun Bartholomäus * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director Jasco Viefhues
festivals nomination german short film award 2010
* german film rating agency - Seal of approval: "Highly recommended"
* 4. Filmzeit Kaufbeuren
* 56. Corona Cork Film Festival
The 10 injunctions 2002-2009
short fiction * 25min. * Super8/SD * producer Henjon-Produktion Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
cast Jonathan Türpe, Hilmar Messenbrink,
Micaela Kempe, Kathrin Sander* cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * script, director Jonathan Türpe, Hendrik Reichel
The 10 injunctions on
In my skin 2009
Philip, a gawky and reserved type, who rather uses words than his fists,
encounters on his way to a trainings session, Andi Näther a notorious bruiser
from the neighbourhood. His best friend Max dashes away and leaves him
alone with the alleged thug.
short fiction * 5min. * HD * producer ARTE dffb
cast Arthur Romanowksi, Luis Oalá * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director Jasco Viefhues
festivals Tel Aviv Student Film Festival 2010
Piano lesson 2009
Mia, a 13 year old girl, lives in Leipzig - the city of fine arts.
She is attending piano lessons of the new teacher Emilia. With Emilia, Mia
seemingly gets everything her overtstrained mother cannot provide for: warmth
and comfort.
Mia develops an obsession for Emila and with her volition and her needs
crosses too many borders. However, other amenities appear...
short fiction * 25min. * S16mm/SD * producer dffb
cast Paula Kroh, Esther Zimmering, Anka Baier * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Sandra Kaudelka
festivals 55. Corona Cork Film Festival
Waltz 2007
Judith and Kroner view flats. The falts do all look the same, they have high ceilings and white walls.
Judith is 26 years old and works as a real estate agent. She loves the lover of her mother. Things like these happen.
Judith, her mother and Kroner know about each other, all suffer, no one says anything. And when the situation finally collapses all pretend to not have noticed anything.
short fiction * 18min. * S16mm/SD * producer dffb
cast Lea Draeger, Guntbert Warns, Eleonore Weisgerber * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Miriam Bliese
festivals Edinburgh Film Festival 2008, Achtung Berlin Festival 2008
All days 2007
Summer. A peaceful and quite town in Brandenburg. Two men and a woman
pass the time cutting the grass, sunbathing and playing Golf. However, the facade is deceiving. They are all terrorists in disguise waiting for their next mission - which comes earlier than expected…
short fiction * 19min. * S16mm/DigiBETA * producer dffb
cast Catherine Stoyan, Christian Blümel, Sebastian Stielke, Katharina Gebhardt * cinematography Hendrik Reichel * director Jasco Viefhues
Visit at noon 2007
short fiction * 5min. * 35mm * producer dffb
cast Julia Zimth, Aleks Tesla * cinematographer, script Hendrik Reichel * director Sandra Kaudelka
Berlin-Siemensstadt 2006
short fiction * 17min. * 16mm * producer dffb
cast Kathleen Morgeneyer, Jonas von Lingen * cinematographer Miriam Bliese * director, script Hendrik Reichel
Visit 2006
short fiction * 5min. * 35mm * producer dffb
cast Sebastian Fremder, Tobias von dem Borne * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Miriam Bliese
Grandfather and granddaughter 2006
short fiction * 8min. * S16mm/SD * producer comma, Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
cast Laura Lackmann, Eberhard Geick * cinematography, script, director Hendrik Reichel excerpts
Grandfather and granddaughter on
Fly's milk 2003
It could have taken another direction. He might not have met her by coincidence – maybe one minute could have inhibited a lot. Or maybe another way. Or was it the fly? If she had tyrannised someone else, he wouldn't have got up so early, wouldn't have walked through the wood mindless, wouldn't have met her.
So even at moments with no hope apperently, there are ways out.
short fiction * 23min. * 16mm/SD * producer Henjon-Produktion Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
cast Hilmar Messenbrink, Lydia Stäubli * cinematography, script Hendrik Reichel * director Jonathan Türpe
Fly's milk on
Knut's birthday 2001
short fiction * 5min. * Super8/SD * producer Henjon-Produktion Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
cast Hilmar Messenbrink * cinematographer Hendrik Reichel * director, script Jonathan Türpe excerpts
Knut's birthday on
Decline 1996
short fiction * 13min. * SVHS * producer Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
cast Jonathan Türpe, Marek Liebermann * cinematography Hendrik Reichel * director, script Jonathan Türpe
Decline on
Born in 1978 in Karl-Marx-Stadt. Study of cinematography at the German Film- and Television Academy Berlin (dffb). |